Aaryan Murgunde
Robotics Engineer in Pune, MH, India
helping robots take over us
Work Experience
Working with international clients for creating POC's and software packages for autonomous manipulation of robotic arms, navigation ground and aerial robots with static and dynamic obstacle avoidance for indoor and outdoor environments.
Working as a project manager and team lead in multiple domain and various clients.
Actively involved in developing business strategies and hiring for the startup and understanding, learning various aspects throughout the way.
Worked as a part of their Research and Development team to develop courses on Wireless Communications, IoT(Internet of Things), Embedded Systems and Miniature 3D designed drones. With the use of technologies like MQTT, Bluetooth Low Energy, IBecaon, etc. Worked with hardware like ESP - 01, ESP - 32, NodeMCU, Raspberry Pi, Arduino Nano, MEGA, Uno, Flight controllers, GPS systems, etc.
Created the company’s website from designing to programming. Trained as a personality developer for corporate image building and personal grooming. Was a part of the World record team in hosting the largest personality development workshop (multiple venues) and delivering a session of 30 min.
Technical : ROS, ROS2, Nav Stack, Moveit, IoT Systems, MQTT, BLE, ComputerVision, Fusion360, SolidWorks, Linux, Git.
Electronics : 2D/3D Lidars, Depth Sensors, Arduino, ESP's, Raspberry Pi, 3D Printers, Drones, IoT Sensors and Microcontrolers.
Programming Languages : C, C++, Arduino, HTML, CSS, Python(Basics).
Design : Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Lightroom.
Development of level 3 autonomous electric shuttle with a capacity for 8-10 people that will be used inside university campus for tours, VIP escorts and students. With the use of ROS, GPS navigation, 2D/3D Lidars, depth sensor and high FPS cameras.
Design, development and simulation of dynamic path planning for obstacle avoidance in autonomous drone systems with R.O.S. environment. Use of sensors like LIDAR, ToF and Ultrasonic for range detection. R.O.S. protocols like MavROS, MavLink, MavProxy, ArduPilot, and Gazebo (simulation environment).
Provided the client with nearly 25-30 detailed to scale 3D models and assembly animations for their robot, which included details in pcb parts, wires, components like servos, acrylic and metallic parts. (Fusion 360).
Simulation of Pick and Place of a Block was done using a 6 D.o.F arm (Panda Arm) in Gazebo environment. Using custom made R.O.S. packages, services, and nodes. This project served as an introduction to R.O.S. learning the basics and implementing them.
Using the existing ‘Trotbot’ biped walking mechanism, 3D designed and printed a complete quadruped walking robot. This robot stands to be underactuated and can be run with the help of only 2 motors. A low cost and efficient walking robot for all terrain.
Created 3D Renders for ‘Pandora Labs’ of their product ‘Sani-Cube’, which was a UVC Box to decontaminate food and medical equipment in order fight the COVID-19 pandemic.
While at LYDNOW robotics researched and learned about miniature drone technology for racing and entertainment purposes. Further designed and 3D printed miniature drones for a better ergonomic and cost-efficient alternative to teach the students and to build a course structure around it.
Explored the Bluetooth Low Energy technology to create an app to scan the nearby ibeacons and send small information packets to pinpoint the location of the device and then send appropriate advertisement data. Using ESP-32 as the BLE device.
Side Projects
Created a small home automation IoT based project with ESP-01, nodeMCU, Raspberry Pi, and Google Assistant. That works on the MQTT protocol to control lights, fans and appliances.
Also installed the same in my home to automate it and control it remotely.
A World Record Holder - ‘ Largest Personality Development and Confidence Building Workshop (Multiple Venue) ’ in association with MBIC (Mihika Bhanot Image Consultancy).
As a co-creator or a mentor, I taught freshmen year students basics of robotics and introduction to basics serial communication between Arduino and Bluetooth module (HC-05), also taught to make an android app using MIT App Inventor and then use it to control a basic robot using Bluetooth.
Currently studying Senior Year